Kill Process


Application: Linux Steps
Published By: AutomationEdge
This bot kills a process on Linux OS based on the provided Process ID. It can also kill the process forcefully.

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Root user (administrator) can execute all the steps. However, for normal user consider the following, In case of Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 7.0 (Maipo), when you want to run a command that requires root rights, Linux checks your username against the sudoers file. Linux is built with security in mind. The sudoers file is a file Linux Administrators use to allocate system rights to system users. This allows the administrator to control who does what. Necessary user entry is required in the ?sudoers? file and also, the ?sudoers? file must have the necessary permissions to make these changes. However, on Debian based systems e.g. Ubuntu if your process is started by super user, we won\'t be able to kill that process using this plugin because Ubuntu does not allow direct access to super user processes. This is applicable to Ubuntu 16.04 mentioned above.