Additional information
Prerequisites | You must have a Google Analytics account, and be an owner of the Analytics account that will be used. The Google Analytics step requires an API key. The method that we support involves generating a private key, creating a service account, and adding the service account?s email as a user on your Google Analytics account. Here is how to do this. Go to and sign in with your credentials. In the Projects page, click Create Project, then when the New Project dialog appears, provide a project name and click Create. In the dashboard select Enable and Manage APIs. Search for Analytics API. Select Analytics API from the search results, then click the Enable API button. In the left menu pane, click Credentials, then click the Add Credentials button, and select Service Account. When prompted for a key type, select the P12 option, and click Create. Before the P12 file is downloaded you will be prompted to open or save the file. Save the file in a safe location. Saving the file is important because you cannot download it again. You will also need to reference the path to this file when you fill out the Google Analytics step in Spoon. ? 2018 AutomationEdge Inc All Rights Reserved. This document is for your company?s internal use only and may not be distributed to any third party. 59 of 342 Copy the Service Account?s Email Address ( You will paste it in another field later in these instructions. Go to and sign in with your credentials. Click the Admin menu option, then click User Management. In the Add permissions for field, enter the Service Account?s email address you copied previously. Make sure the user has, at minimum, the Read and Analyze permission. |