Freshworks Servicedesk with Gen AI
and Automation

Revolutionizing Employee Support

Freshworks is a cloud-based software company that offers a suite of products designed to help businesses manage customer relationships, IT operations, and marketing activities. Freshworks offers a popular product called Freshdesk, a cloud-based helpdesk solution that allows businesses to manage customer support inquiries across multiple channels like email, phone and social media.

The Need for GenAI and Automation in Service Desks

  • Boost Efficiency and Reduce Costs: GenAI and automation can handle repetitive tasks, freeing up service desk agents for complex issues. This lowers costs and improves overall efficiency.
  • Enhanced Employee Experience: Users can access self-service options and get faster resolutions for common problems, improving their experience.
  • Improved Service Desk Agent Experience: AI can automate tasks and suggest solutions, empowering agents and reducing their workload.

AutomationEdge: GenAI-Powered Employee Support Automation

AutomationEdge combines Generative AI (GenAI), communication channels, automation and ready integrations to
revolutionize employee support for Freshworks Service Desk.

How It Works

Omni-channel support across Microsoft Teams, Slack, web-based chat, WhatsApp, mobile app, SMS, and voice call for IT, HR and other functions

GenAI to understand complex natural language intents

Multilingual interface supporting employees globally

Seamless integration with your enterprise systems to fulfill requests from Freshworks Service Desk

Built-in analytics to measure and optimize performance

AutomationEdge Platform Capabilities Used

AI Copilot Studio

  • Build dialogs and provide conversational experiences for employees
  • Understands complex natural language
  • Drag and drop dialog building capability
  • Integration of Generative AI (LLMs)

Enterprise Knowledge Search

  • GenAI-powered conversation understand employee intent from search query in natural language
  • Retrieve relevant results based on user preferences while keeping data secure and private

Process Automation Studio

  • No-code to pro-code process automation studio for building workflows
  • Drag-and-drop approach or script plugins to centralize existing codes
  • Build automations using out-of-the-box connectors, custom API integrations, or UI automation with RPA

Benefits of Automating Freshworks Service Desk

By leveraging AutomationEdge’s GenAI and automation capabilities, Freshworks Service Desk users can


Freshworks service desk automation empowers agents by freeing them from repetitive tasks, allowing them to focus on complex issues and provide more personalized service, ultimately leading to happier customers.

Automating workflows can streamline ticket routing, categorization, and even generate initial responses, resulting in faster resolutions for customers and potentially enabling 24/7 self-service options.

Reduced workload through automation translates to lower operational costs and increased efficiency for your service desk team. This frees up valuable resources that can be directed towards other areas.

By leveraging automation to gather data on service desk activity, you gain valuable insights that can be used for better analysis, proactive problem-solving, and continuous improvement of your Freshworks service desk operations.

AutomationEdge seamlessly integrates with Freshworks Service Desk and other enterprise applications, making extending the power of GenAI and automation across your organization easy.

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